So, in an attempt to resolve some things, here is my 2014 resolutions list! (In no particular order)
1. Blog at least once a week.
2. Stick to a house cleaning list!
3. Finish one craft project every 2 months!
4. Complete 1/2 Young Women's medallion. (I've already gotten it as a YW but now want to do it as a leader!)
5. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover!!
6. Read all book club books (about 20 books this year- including both book clubs I participate in)
7. Pray each day for instruction on how I can better serve The Lord.
8. Go to the gym 3 days a week (or other form of exercise!)
9. Track and lower sugar intake!
10. Hold Family Home Evening EVERY week!
11. Better execute meal planning- write out meals for the week, shop for and cook at least 3 dinner meals!
For now, this seems like a good list!! Here goes nothin'!