Saturday, December 8, 2012

Decorating the gingerbread house...

This year is the year of "gingerbread". For whatever reason, Jovie was super obsessed with gingerbread "things", so I finally got smart and bought a pre-assembled gingerbread house at Target. 
Best. Decision. EVER!

I love how focused she is when she does anything "crafty". She loves to glue, cut, write and use markers. Still isn't really a big fan of coloring, but to each their own. I can add this to her repertoire of things she loves to do. It MAY have something to do with the fact that she gets to eat candy and frosting as she goes, but I could be wrong about that (but I seriously doubt it). 

 Could this face look more angelic? Well, maybe minus the vampire teeth. :)

She is so proud of the end result. It does look pretty great (if I do say so myself). 

This little stinker couldn't help but start licking the frosting "icicles" from the roof. I guess I will have to display it against the wall. :) I'm glad she loves to do stuff like this, because quite frankly, so do I. One little way for us to bond. I just love my Jovie girl. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Another year older...

The last 6 months have been...well. busy. Which helps me cope with the fact that I've tried doing 3 rounds of Artificial Insemination (IUI) in the hopes of getting pregnant. Two of those attempts have had positive pregnancies, and almost immediately turned to miscarriage. There are days of complete frustration and loss, but I'm trying to remember the "BIG PICTURE"...the one I can't see, but ultimately the Lord can. More often than not, I've wanted to curl up in a ball and forget all this crap is happening...yet, I know the Lord is preparing me, and reminding me that it's about needing to rely on the shoulders of the Savior when I am about to fall.

I know that this particular trial in my life is well designed. Believe me, I've struggled in other areas throughout my life...but this, having children, is the ONE area I have no control over...and that is why this will be MY BIG TRIAL OF LIFE!! This is what will keep me humble, and relying on my Savior, Jesus Christ.

This time of year makes me very introspective. Mainly, because I turn another year older (21- isn't it weird how I keep staying the same age)...and I keep wondering if my vain worries of teen hood are actually going to come to fruition (the one where when my kids are in high school I look so old that their friends think I'm the grandma instead if the mom). I guess regardless, now isn't the time to be worried about that, it's the time to enjoy my current family, and forget about what I can't control (like having babies). I'm lucky to have a supportive husband, who also has had to deal with the heartache of miscarriage alongside me.

On another note- I'm starting in-vitro. Blake and I have taken a few months to weigh our options and our reproductive endocrinologist says that this should be the best option for our family. It's hard not to be impatient in moments like these, but I know that good things come to those who wait.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Artificial Insemination (IUI) round 3...

Well, this time I've been hopeful. I figured it was a good sign to be traveling to my birth place (Petoskey, MI) right when I'd find out if I was pregnant or not. After being on vacation for a few days I had to go to the lab near the hospital to have my blood drawn. (On a side note, this is the 2nd month in a row I've had them draw my blood while sitting up- as opposed to laying down!! That's HUGE progress for me and my queasy stomach!)

Well- the office called that afternoon and gave me the news...PREGNANT!!! BUT, my hcg levels were only at a 32 (again pointing out that its safe to be between 50-100 at 4 weeks). So they had me come in again 2 days later- Friday August 3rd (same day Blake flew from Detroit to San Diego to go to his cousin Trevor Briggs' wedding). Well, I wasn't able to go in to the lab until late afternoon and unfortunately the lab in Michigan wasn't able to fax the results to my Dr in AZ before closing time- so we had to wait ALL WEEKEND to get the results. Talk about stressful. Well, by Monday the Dr called and said that my Friday results we're good- my hcg doubled to a 65, so everything was on track for a good pregnancy! Plus I was feeling SUPER nauseated all weekend so that was good in my eyes!

But they wanted to monitor me until my hcg levels were at 1500 so I had to go in Tuesday to do another blood test. I was feeling prettying good at this point especially since this was my 3rd time in the lab sitting up in the chair--- without passing out!! YESSSSSSSSSSS! I got the call late that afternoon. My hcg levels dropped to a 5. So... another miscarriage. Week 5.

It's crazy how elated you can be in one moment one day... and a total wreck the next.

I think it's time to move on from the medical procedures and just focus on other methods. Not sure exactly, but fostering has really started to burn into me lately. And of course I have always considered adopting, since the day my very own sister gave her baby up for adoption 14 years ago. I was blessed to be living with her through her whole pregnancy, and I truly believe that babies are divinely placed with the family they should be with...for eternity!

I guess when one chapter ends... another one begins.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Update IUI round 2...

Well, I got the ended up being a biochemical pregnancy. So, I guess the positive is that the speem and egg are doing what they should, but just aren't implanting for one reason or another.

I guess 3rd time's the charm. (Hopefully)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Artificial Insemination (IUI)...round 2.

So, we tried out insemination for the first time last month. Not successful. Sad? Of course. Awful, actually. But, I am more and more astounded at the kindness of people who live in my neighborhood and who just plain care about my family and I. Aimee Teerlink and Kate Winsor have been my angels since moving in to this house. I honestly don't know what I'd do without these great friends in my life. They aren't the only ones either...just the ones I can mention at this point.

So, upon trying another round of insemination, they upped my Clomid from 50 mg to 100 mg. Man, that stuff really puts me in a mood...geez. Watch out, world!! Good thing I only had to take it 5 days.

Just for memories sake, I'm going to document my monthly routine for IUI.

Days 1-3- Period
Day 3- Ultrasound (to make sure there aren't any cysts on the ovaries caused by Clomid)
Days 3-7- Take Clomid
Day 10- Get Booty (for better lack of words)
Day 12- Ultrasound (had 25 mm follicle on left ovary- none on right ovary). Did trigger shot (which tells your body to ovulate) that night- Blake did the shot and everything went smoothly- as smoothly as can be when your husband is stabbing you with a needle. Guh- I hate needles. Maybe this whole process is supposed to teach me to be tolerant of blood, needles and shots. Geez. Also... get booty.
Day 14- IUI DAY! I actually got to watch them on an ultrasound insert the tube with semen up into my uterus. That was a trip. At least I know it is getting done properly! Oh- and Jovie witnessed it too (hopefully these won't be one of those horrific memories of childhood that she doesn't figure out until she's 30)...she was playing on the iPad for the most part, but of course she was curious as to what Dr. Zoneraich was doing with all of those "things".
Day 28- Blood test to determine pregnancy. Well, last time one of the nurses called at about 1pm- with the negative pregnancy news. This time, I waited until 3:45pm and finally called the office cuz I couldn't wait another second- and the receptionist said Dr. Larsen would be calling with results in a little while. Ok, so at 4:30pm he calls to tell me the pregnancy is POSITIVE!! But (and yes, a BIG but...) he said I MAY have what is called a (bio)chemical pregnancy. He said that my HCG level was at a 12, but a normal pregnancy is between 50-100 at this stage. It is possible that everything will be just fine and that if my HCG numbers quadruple by Tuesday- when they do another blood test, then the pregnancy is a GO!! But if my numbers go up, but don't quadruple, there is a possibility that I may have ANOTHER ectopic pregnancy. guh. Or, if the HCG numbers go down, then this biochemical pregnancy is happening. In essence, it just means that the sperm and egg joined, but had issues implanting (sometimes is a genetic thing)- which will end up in miscarriage (but really feels and acts just like a period). So, we wait...Tuesday tells it all.

I'm really trying to stay positive. Obviously, I've got babies in heaven trying to make their way down here...I just have to be patient on the timing. It's (mostly) out of my control. It's up to the Lord's time and His will, and my humility and faith.

That said, it freakin' sucks having Blake just leave out of town today to Atlanta to record an album for Her & Gold until Tuesday morning. I just hope no weird crap goes down while he is gone. I can't do that again- it will (for sure) give him a complex about ever leaving me home by myself again.

Little by little...

I've always had a hard time blogging or journalling, as I feel like I either always HAVE to write every detail, or I just try to fill in the cracks from past activities and get totally burned out. I'm gonna just try to GO FORWARD. My posts need to be shorter and sweeter. Is that possible? We will see.