Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Baby Kimball Pics

So, Monday we had our first, so awesome!! Technology just really amazes me. Baby was very photogenic and even did a little dance for us.

Baby Kimball at 13 weeks old- and about 3 inches long!

This is the pic the ultrasound tec said if she were a betting woman, we were having a painting any rooms or buying boy stuff just yet though! We'll have our next ultrasound on March 31 that we will know the gender for sure!

Here is baby Kimball just stretchin out!

It was such a neat experience for us...even Blake kept saying "Isn't our baby cute?" I totally agree. I love baby Kimball!!


sarah said...

ah, love the video, mand. whichever gender you get, we'll be stoked. but for some reason i've always pictured you and blake with a little kimball concept (boy.)

{Quellie} said...

YEA!!! I am so excited for you guys. I am NOT baby hungry seeing as how my youngest is 10 mo. but those awesome pics made me a little tender!! Congrats on everything looking good! How have you been feeling?

Cicily said...

Baby Kimball is very cute! Congratulations, what a great time to be pregnant, when you have tons of time and everything. I actually think that being busy helps pregnancy go quicker and helps keep your mind off the discomfort that you might feel. How much longer till school is done?

diana said...

isn't that first look at your baby amazing? i love getting ultrasounds so i can get a peek at what's going on in there... thanks for sharing your uterus with us.

Alicia said...

I think ultrasounds are so freakin' amazing! I love the video, I watched it several times. I love how he (I say HE because that was my guess anyway :)) arches his itty bitty body! He is so tiny and has this tiny face and I think it is just so exciting and incredible! Those pics make me miss being pregnant and having Cohen snug inside my tummy. :) It is such a great time!

Mimi said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! This is such great news! How fun for you guys! What a great time of your life! Let me know what I can do in ways of a baby shower! I'd LOVE to help!

Cori Carpenter said...

Ultrasounds are the best! That would be way awesome if you two had a boy! We are so happy for you guys and we can't wait to hear the final verdict on March 31st!! YEA!

Mama Cher, Ok, fine, it's Sharon said...

Wow! So exciting! You guys are in for a treat, boy or girl (though I favor the boys!). Love the video, isn't it amazing that all that's happening inside you?

Alisse Baldwin said...

Yeah, my vote is for a boy, too. I totally picture you guys with a lil' boy Kimball. And that video?? SO phasing. No really, it's incredible! I have never seen a video of an ultrasound, and never anything that CLEAR! It's all real now, right? There's a PERSON living & growing INSIDE of you!

Alisse Baldwin said...

Ok, and I just read 3 INCHES??! He looks way bigger than a cell phone-sized baby! Seriously incredible.

jaime said...

i almost teared up watching the video!!! i am so happy.

i vote boy too. i can't quite imagine you all with a girl first.

ya for boys!!!!

kayleen said...

i'm sad.

sad that this post didn't show up on my reader until today.

sad that i wasn't the first to comment.

and sad that i wasn't invited.

but, happy that you have a video on here. it's like i was there anyway.

Nielson Family said...

Congratulations!! Last time I talked to Cori she said you were trying to have a baby. I'm glad that her kids will have another cousin the same age. I'm Cori's sister by the way.