Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve...

There is nothing like a dog's genitals messing up your perfectly good picture...slightly humorous...not our dog's brother's dog's genitals...we were dog sitting...I'm not quite ready for my own dog...including genitals...Sheesh.

So we settled for this picture instead...

Jovie in total wonderment with the striped tights...they are pretty fashion forward...
thank Grandma Kimball

Yes are adorable.

Jovie is amazed at the beautiful sight...the tree is lovely.

Opening our "crackers" with paper crowns, fortune and mystery gift. These are a great Kimball Christmas Eve tradition. We also opened our jammies but only Jovie is sporting hers (obviously).
Boy...the anticipation for Christmas is unbearable...I always have the hardest time sleeping.


kayleen said...

check that little who-ville outfit on jovie. love it.

Anonymous said...

OK...the elf outfit is classic. I love it!