They helped out SO much!! I'm so proud to say that my family is so giving and has such an amazing work ethic and love of service! I had a wonderful time with my family while they were here for the birth of Jovie as well as the blessing in church for my brother Eli's son Isaiah.
While I was at the hospital my sister Katy and my mom scrubbed every floor, toilet and shower in the house- an amazing feat and SO appreciated!! Mom and Katy scrubbed out our grill and Dad got some of the lava rocks to put inside!! Looks like new! Dad helped us replace the broken glass in one of our kitchen cabinets- one less thing for me to do! Katy helped call around to get quotes on getting a double sink cabinet put in one of our bathrooms- always going the extra mile! Mom and Katy helped out making sure there was always food for everyone and always had the fridge stocked- quite the undertaking with 10 people in the house!
While I was in labor my mom was great to keep my dad informed of the happenings on the phone the whole hour and a half I pushed! He got to hear the whole birth from start to finish!
My brother Nate was quick to hold Jovie when she was asleep! And his lovely girlfriend Amy helped make some amazing food!!
Callia never ceased to amaze us with her uncanny ability to navigate through our iphones! Quite the wiz kid!
Overall- I just LOVED having my family here! I miss them all dearly and love every minute (even the crazy ones) I get to spend with them! Thanks again to everyone for making Jovie's birth so special!
Wow, I am jealous! But if anyone deserves the royal treatment it's you, so I am happy you got it!! Jovie is so beautiful!
You do have an amazing family. I can't believe how much its grown. Its so nice everyone was there to support you and Blake. Jovie is just a doll!
Love the laundry room stripe!!!! So cute and totally up my alley! What a darling little one she is, how fun for you guys.
How fun to have everyone there! Everyone looks great.
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