Sunday, February 24, 2013

Egg transfer x2!!

So this morning at my egg transfer the dr and embryologist showed us our two best eggs and that they weren't quite to the level they had hoped to be at, so instead of only transferring one egg they recommended we transfer both!! This came as a surprise and shock from the doctor, but really it's been in my head the last few weeks of this process! The other eggs they were going to continue to watch and give us details tomorrow on their progress- to see if they would be freezable or not!

Blake has been great and supportive today especially. I know the thought of having more than one baby at a time is a very real possibility here, and it may just be extremely overwhelming to Blake. Of course don't discount me, having twins (or more) sounds crazy, but I know what an amazing daddy Blake is and I have faith that Heavenly Father would point us in the right direction for support in each other and those around us! I can do this!! There is nothing in life I want more than children and I know that when the time is right that we will be blessed with those sweet spirits ready to join our family here on earth. Even though Blake and Jovie didn't get to come into the procedure room while they put in those two embryos- they were eager to see me when it was done. (And the process wasn't bad at all- kind of like a trip to the OBGYN)

Of course Jovie wanted to be near me because she was worried, as well as excited to know if I had "brudders or sisters" in my belly. Kids really do comprehend more than we know! Love those freckles and baby blues!

I had to stay stationary for a while so Jovie kept me company and it sure was nice to have my family rooting for me! 


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